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Welcome to GoTESOL About Us

About Us2023-06-13T03:06:32-05:00


Empowering Future English Teachers


“Welcome to GoTESOL – Your Gateway to the World! We’re not just a TESOL certification provider; we’re your stepping stone to a world of opportunities.”

Have you ever dreamed of traveling the world while making a difference? With GoTESOL, that dream can become a reality. We’ve been in the business for over 20 years, helping thousands of individuals like you to transform their lives and careers.

Imagine yourself teaching English in a foreign country, experiencing new cultures, and making a real impact on people’s lives. That’s the power of TESOL certification. Our courses are internationally recognized and accredited, ensuring you get the best training and opportunities.

Ready to start your adventure? Join the GoTESOL family today and let us guide you on your journey to becoming a world-class English teacher. Click here to explore our courses.

Why Choose GoTESOL?

Searching online, you’ll find numerous providers offering TEFL/TESOL certification.

However, we believe GoTESOL stands out from the competition by providing one of the best TEFL/TESOL training options available.

Consider the following factors to see if you agree.

250k TESOL

Jobs Available Worldwide
  • Global Recognition: Employers worldwide respect the TEFL/TESOL qualifications awarded to students who successfully complete our courses.

  • Course Accreditation: Our courses at GoTESOL have been endorsed by renowned EFL institutions.

  • Experienced Staff: Our team members have lived and taught English abroad in various locations worldwide.

  • Open to All Fluent English Speakers: Native and non-native English speakers are welcome to attend our training courses.

  • No Degree Requirement: Enrolling in our sessions does not require a degree or education experience.

  • No Hidden Costs: The listed course fee for our online TEFL/TESOL courses includes all necessary materials and certifications.

  • 24/7 Customer Support: We offer round-the-clock support for course sales and general pre-course inquiries through various channels.

  • Practical Content: Our online TEFL/TESOL courses are designed to include as much practical content as possible, ensuring that you are well-prepared for real-world teaching situations.

  • Finish at Your Own Pace: Our online courses allow you to create your study schedule and complete all course units within six months.

  • No Geographic Limits: Our comprehensive and customizable online courses can be taken from any location with internet access.

  • Embossed Certificate: GoTESOL graduates receive an embossed certificate with a unique number for verification.

  • Teaching Materials and Lesson Plans: Course graduates have access to a wealth of post-course support, including teaching materials, lesson plans, and job assistance.

  • Blog: Many alumni share their teaching experiences on our popular online blog.

  • Teaching Videos: Our YouTube channel features a vast library of free videos covering various topics related to teaching English.

  • Free E-Guide & E-Brochure: Request a free e-guide and brochure to learn more about GoTESOL, our courses, and the field of teaching English abroad.

  • From Studying to Teaching: We support you throughout your journey, starting with your application and continuing through your job search.


Embark on an exciting journey with GoTESOL and discover the countless opportunities that await you in the world of teaching English abroad.

With our dedication to providing high-quality, affordable, and accessible TEFL/TESOL courses, you can be confident in your decision to choose GoTESOL as your partner in achieving success.


Is it possible to complete an accredited TEFL/TESOL course online?2023-04-26T15:44:49-05:00

Yes, many accredited TEFL/TESOL courses can be completed online, allowing you to study at your own pace and from the comfort of your home.Make sure the online program you enroll in has been given approval by an official accreditation agency.

Do I need a degree to take an accredited TEFL/TESOL course?2023-04-26T15:44:40-05:00

No, a degree is not required to enroll in an accredited TEFL/TESOL course. However, some teaching positions, especially in more competitive markets, may require a bachelor’s degree in addition to a TEFL/TESOL certification.

What is the difference between TEFL and TESOL?2023-04-26T15:44:32-05:00

TEFL means teaching English to people who don’t speak it as their first language in places where English is not the main language. TESOL is a more general term that includes both TEFL and TESL. It entails providing instruction in English to non-native speakers in nations where the language is recognized as a national standard. Both TEFL and TESOL courses provide similar training and are often used interchangeably.

Can I teach English abroad without a TEFL/TESOL certification?2023-04-26T15:44:23-05:00

In some countries, it is possible to teach English without a certification. However, having an accredited TEFL/TESOL certification will significantly improve your chances of finding a teaching position, increase your potential salary, and allow you to access more competitive job markets.

Do I need a TEFL/TESOL certification to teach English online?2023-04-26T15:44:15-05:00

Although requirements may vary across different online teaching platforms, many prefer or require their teachers to have a TEFL/TESOL certification. Having a certification from an accredited course demonstrates your commitment to the profession and ensures you possess the necessary skills to teach English effectively.

What factors should I consider when choosing an accredited online TEFL/TESOL course?2023-04-26T15:44:07-05:00

Consider factors such as course duration, content, instructor qualifications, and student support when selecting an accredited online TEFL/TESOL course.

Do all employers require an accredited TEFL/TESOL certification?2023-04-26T15:43:58-05:00

While requirements may vary, many employers around the world prefer or require their teachers to have a TEFL/TESOL certification from an accredited course, as it demonstrates that the candidate has received a high-quality education in English language teaching.

What is the minimum duration for an accredited TEFL/TESOL course?2023-04-26T15:43:50-05:00

An accredited TEFL/TESOL course should have a minimum of 120 hours of training, which ensures comprehensive instruction and practical teaching experience.

Is accreditation necessary for an online TEFL/TESOL course?2023-04-26T15:43:41-05:00

Yes, accreditation is essential as it ensures that the course meets industry standards, provides quality education, and increases your employment prospects.

What is the purpose of Gotesol?2023-05-03T15:50:18-05:00

Gotesol is an organization that aims to provide quality education and training to aspiring English teachers. Through their accredited courses and programs, Gotesol helps prepare individuals to teach English effectively in various settings around the world.

What types of courses does Gotesol offer?2023-05-03T15:50:05-05:00

Gotesol offers a variety of courses and programs, including the online 120-hour TEFL/TESOL certification course, and specialized courses for teaching young learners, teaching business English, and teaching English online.

How long does it take to complete a Gotesol course?2023-05-03T15:49:35-05:00

A: The duration of Gotesol courses varies depending on the course and the student’s availability. For example, the 120-hour TEFL/TESOL certification course typically takes 4-6 weeks to complete, Students with more time to dedicate to their studies can complete the courses faster.

Are GoTESOL courses accredited?2023-05-03T15:51:52-05:00

Yes, Gotesol courses are accredited by recognized accrediting bodies in the field of TEFL/TESOL.

Can I teach English abroad after completing a GoTESOL course?2023-05-03T15:54:28-05:00

Yes, after completing a GoTESOL course, you will be equipped with the necessary skills and qualifications to teach English as a second language in various settings around the World, especially  in countries such as South Korea, China, Japan, Spain, and more.

How much does it cost to enroll in a GoTESOL course?2023-05-03T15:59:22-05:00

The cost of enrolling in a GoTESOL course varies depending on the course you choose, and whether there are any available discounts or promotions.

Do I need any prior teaching experience to enroll in a GoTESOL course?2023-05-03T16:02:50-05:00

A: No, prior teaching experience is not required to enroll in GoTESOL courses.

Is there an age limit for enrolling in GoTESOL courses?2023-05-03T16:04:13-05:00

Obtaining a work visa in most countries necessitates that applicants be at least 18 years old. Before signing up for a course, you should research the unique criteria of the nation in which you intend to teach.

Do I need a college degree to take a GoTESOL course?2023-05-03T16:05:46-05:00

While having a college degree is not a must for enrolling in a GoTESOL course, it is important to note that many countries and employers require English teachers to hold a bachelor’s degree. Completing a GoTESOL course in addition to having a degree will make you more competitive in the job market and open up more opportunities for teaching positions.

Are GoTESOL courses suitable for non-native English speakers?2023-05-03T16:06:42-05:00

Yes, GoTESOL courses are suitable for non-native English speakers who have a high level of proficiency in the language.

Can I complete a GoTESOL course while working or studying full-time?2023-05-03T16:07:49-05:00

Yes, GoTESOL offers flexible online courses that can be completed at your own pace, making it possible to study while working or attending school full-time.

Can I use my GoTESOL certification to teach English online?2023-05-03T16:31:03-05:00

Yes, your GoTESOL certification can be used to teach English online.

What if I’m not satisfied with my GoTESOL course?2023-05-03T16:34:35-05:00

GoTESOL is committed to providing high-quality courses and a positive learning experience for its students. If you are not satisfied with your course, it’s essential to communicate your concerns to the Gotesol support team as soon as possible.

Do GoTESOL courses include teaching practice?2023-05-03T16:36:03-05:00

While GoTESOL’s online courses primarily focus on theoretical knowledge and teaching techniques, some courses offer optional teaching practice components. These practical components allow students to gain hands-on experience teaching English in real classroom settings or through online platforms. It’s essential to check the specific course details to determine if a teaching practice component is included.

How do I enroll in a GoTESOL course?2023-05-03T16:37:39-05:00

To enroll in a GoTESOL course, visit the GoTESOL homepage and explore the various course options available.

What are the technical requirements for taking an online GoTESOL course?2023-05-03T16:39:08-05:00

To participate in an online GoTESOL course, you’ll need a stable internet connection, a computer or laptop with up-to-date software, and a web browser that supports the learning platform.

Can I defer my GoTESOL course if I need to take a break?2023-05-03T16:40:55-05:00

GoTESOL understands that life circumstances may require students to take a break from their studies. If you need to defer your course, it’s important to communicate with GoTESOL’s support team as soon as possible.

What is the difference between a TEFL and a TESOL certificate?2023-05-03T16:42:27-05:00

The terms TEFL and TESOL are frequently used interchangeably to denote the same certification.

How long is my GoTESOL certification valid?2023-05-03T16:46:44-05:00

Your GoTESOL certification does not have an expiration date and remains valid indefinitely. However, it is essential to stay updated with the latest teaching methodologies and trends. Engaging in professional development opportunities and continuing education can help you maintain your skills and knowledge, ensuring you remain an effective and competitive English teacher.

Can I take a GoTESOL course if I have no prior experience learning a foreign language?2023-05-03T16:47:59-05:00

Yes, you can take a GoTESOL course even if you have no prior experience learning a foreign language. While having experience as a language learner can provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by your future students, it is not a requirement for enrolling in GoTESOLcourses.

Will I receive a physical certificate upon completing my GoTESOL course?2023-05-03T16:49:16-05:00

Upon successful completion of your GoTESOL course, you will receive a digital certificate, which can be downloaded and printed for your records. In addition, GoTESOL may offer the option to receive a physical certificate mailed to your address for an additional fee. It’s important to check with GoTESOL directly for more information on obtaining a physical certificate.

Can I teach English to adults with a GoTESOL certification?2023-05-03T16:50:18-05:00

Yes, your GoTESOL certification will prepare you to teach English to both adults and young learners. GoTESOL courses cover a wide range of teaching strategies and techniques applicable to various age groups and proficiency levels. If you have a specific interest in teaching adults, you may also consider taking specialized courses that focus on teaching business English or other areas relevant to adult learners.

How can I ensure success in my GoTESOL course?2023-05-03T16:51:31-05:00

To ensure success in your GoTESOL course, it’s important to stay organized, manage your time effectively, and actively engage with the course content. Create a study schedule, set realistic goals, and prioritize your coursework to ensure you stay on track. Take advantage of the resources and support provided by GoTESOL, including interacting with tutors and peers through online forums and discussion boards. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification when needed. Finally, be proactive in applying the skills and knowledge you gain throughout the course to real-world teaching scenarios.

Are there any opportunities for professional development after completing my GoTESOL course?2023-05-03T16:54:04-05:00

Professional development is essential for maintaining and enhancing your skills as an English teacher. After completing your GoTESOL course, consider participating in workshops, conferences, and additional training courses to stay updated on the latest teaching methodologies and trends. Joining professional organizations and subscribing to relevant publications can also help you stay informed and connected to the broader TESOL/TEFL community. Continuous learning and growth will ensure your long-term success as an English teacher.

Can I get a job with GoTESOL after completing my course?2023-05-03T16:55:49-05:00

While GoTESOL does not directly employ its graduates, it does offer job placement assistance to help you find teaching positions around the world. This support includes access to job boards, resources for creating effective CVs and cover letters, and guidance on preparing for interviews. GoTESOL’s network of partner schools and organizations can also provide valuable connections and job opportunities for its graduates.

Can I teach English online with a GoTESOL certification?2023-05-03T16:56:51-05:00

Yes, your GoTESOL certification will prepare you to teach English online. Many online teaching platforms and language schools seek qualified teachers with TEFL/TESOL certifications like those provided by GoTESOL.

How can I gain practical teaching experience while taking my GoTESOL course?2023-05-03T16:57:49-05:00

If your chosen GoTESOL course includes a teaching practice component, you’ll have the opportunity to gain practical experience in a real teaching environment. If your course does not include a teaching practice component or you’d like to gain additional experience, consider volunteering at local language schools, community centers, or nonprofit organizations.

What kind of support does GoTESOL provide during the course?2023-05-03T16:59:27-05:00

GoTESOL offers comprehensive support for students throughout their courses. This support includes:

  1. Access to experienced tutors who can provide guidance and answer questions related to course content.
  2. Online forums and discussion boards where students can interact with their peers, share resources, and seek advice.
  3. Technical assistance for any issues related to the online learning platform.
  4. Access to a wide range of course materials, resources, and supplementary materials to enhance learning.
  5. Upon course completion, guidance on CV writing and interview preparation.
How can I stay motivated while completing my online GoTESOL course?2023-05-03T17:00:43-05:00

Staying motivated during an online GoTESOL course can be challenging, especially when balancing other commitments. To maintain motivation:

  1. Set clear goals: Establish specific objectives for your course progress and plan how to achieve them.
  2. Create a study schedule: Designate regular time blocks for studying and stick to your routine.
  3. Break tasks into smaller steps: Divide your coursework into manageable tasks, making it easier to track progress and maintain momentum.
  4. Find a study group or partner: Connect with other GoTESOL students to share experiences, resources, and support.
  5. Reward yourself: Celebrate milestones and achievements to maintain a sense of accomplishment and motivation.
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